- Bathroom Valances
- Bathroom Valances
- Red Window Valance
- Red Window Valance
- Top Window Dressing
- Top Window Dressing
- Custom Window Valance
- Custom Window Valance
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- Striped valance
- Striped valance
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Top window treatments, such as soft valances and hard cornice boxes, help to complete the look of your window dressings and of your room. The right custom made window valances can make your room look more modern, more elegant or more traditional, depending on the fabric and design of the valance.
Soft window valances tend to have a more traditional look whereas hard cornice boxes have a modern look. Both soft valances and hard cornice window dressings can be used in almost any room to add the perfect finishing touch by using different fabrics, textures and patterns.
Contact us today for a free consultation. We will bring different samples to your house to help you select the best custom made valances to fit your windows and match your home decor.